Ready-to-sell supplements

Supplements with your label

Finished nutritional supplements with your branding.

Con­side­ring cur­rent mar­ket trends, we have a ran­ge of rea­dy-to-sell sup­ple­ments available, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for you. Sel­ect from our port­fo­lio of finis­hed nut­ri­tio­nal sup­ple­ments, per­so­na­li­ze them with your bran­ding and brand name, and start imme­dia­te dis­tri­bu­ti­on. There’s no fas­ter way to step foot into the world of die­ta­ry supplements!

Other ingredients and functionalities needed?

We also develop individual supplements for you!

100% your concept.

Your focus. Your product.

Add your desi­red ingre­di­ents to any of the rea­dy-for­mu­la­ted pro­ducts shown here, or crea­te some­thing com­ple­te­ly new. We will be hap­py to advi­se you on smart com­bi­na­ti­ons, curr­ent­ly sought-after for­mu­la­ti­ons and tren­dy flavors.

Get more Information

We are looking forward to your project!


Your partner for contract manufacturing
of nutritional supplements

Finis­hed pro­ducts with your brand or indi­vi­du­al pro­duct con­cepts – from the first mee­ting to the rea­dy to sell product

Cont­act us now!