From the idea
to the product

in 5 steps

Step 1


Cont­act us by e-mail, cont­act form or pho­ne and tell us brief­ly about your idea. We will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble or dis­cuss direct­ly on the pho­ne how we could turn your idea into reality.

Step 2


Whe­re­ver you are at the moment, we and our team will start exact­ly whe­re you need us. We advi­se you on the sel­ec­tion of raw mate­ri­als, type of pack­a­ging, health claims and much more and sup­port you with our exper­ti­se in the field of nut­ri­tio­nal health sup­ple­ments. Based on your requi­re­ments, we will crea­te an indi­vi­du­al offer for you – fast and wit­hout obligation.

Get advice now
Step 3

Product development

The offer fits? Great!

Then we work clo­se­ly with you to deve­lop your final pro­duct for­mu­la­ti­on and tail­or the pack­a­ging des­ing and dosa­ge form to your needs.

If you want to be even fas­ter, you can choo­se pre-for­mu­la­ted pro­ducts from our pro­duct ran­ge, add your pri­va­te label and start pro­duc­tion and sales directly.

Step 4


Rea­dy when you are!
As soon as the for­mu­la­ti­on is fina­li­zed, we will start pro­duc­tion so that you can recei­ve your pro­duct promptly.

Step 5

Finished product

Your finis­hed pro­duct will be deli­ver­ed to your desi­red loca­ti­on – safe­ly, quick­ly and reliably.