Best of Magnesium (Mg7)

The all-roun­der magne­si­um: For ener­gy, mus­cles, ner­ves, psy­che, bones, tee­th, cell divi­si­on, pro­te­in syn­the­sis, elec­tro­ly­te balan­ce and to redu­ce fati­gue. Our Best of Magne­si­um con­ta­ins seven high­ly bio­available, orga­nic magne­si­um com­pon­ents for an opti­mal sup­p­ly of this mine­ral to the body.

The com­po­si­ti­on of seven high-puri­ty magne­si­um com­pon­ents (magne­si­um bis­gly­ci­na­te, -mala­te, -citra­te, -tau­ra­te, L-pido­la­te, -ascor­bat and -oxid) ensu­re ide­al absorp­ti­on and tolerance.



EU Health Claims

…con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal ener­gy-yiel­ding meta­bo­lism.
…con­tri­bu­tes to a reduc­tion of tired­ness and fati­gue.
…con­tri­bu­tes to elec­tro­ly­te balan­ce.
…con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal func­tio­ning of the ner­vous sys­tem.
…con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal mus­cle func­tion.
…con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal pro­te­in syn­the­sis.
…con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal psy­cho­lo­gi­cal func­tion.
…con­tri­bu­tes to the main­ten­an­ce of nor­mal bones.
…has a role in the pro­cess of cell divi­si­on.
…con­tri­bu­tes to the main­ten­an­ce of nor­mal teeth.

Are you looking for something special?
We are happy to help you.

How it works

Shapes & Types

Possible shapes, packaging and finishes

Basi­cal­ly, the­re are no limits to your ima­gi­na­ti­on for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of your product.

Move your mou­se over the icons to find out which dosa­ge forms and pack­a­ging types are sui­ta­ble for which pro­ducts. We will be hap­py to advi­se you and work with you to find the best pos­si­ble com­bi­na­ti­on of dosa­ge form and pack­a­ging type.

If you deci­de on a tablet or cap­su­le and would like to finish it with a coa­ting (e.g. with a food color or fla­vor that matches your brand), we will be hap­py to do this for you as well.

All shapes & types at a glance

Shapes & Features


  • Hard cap­su­les: Ide­al for pow­ders and granules
  • Soft cap­su­les: Ide­al for oils or suspensions
  • Gela­ti­ne cap­su­le or vegan HPMC capsule
  • Few to no exci­pi­ents needed
  • Various sizes (from 4 to 000)
  • Con­troll­able absorp­ti­on through coating



  • e.g. for blis­ters, sache­ts, sticks or as outer pack­a­ging for cans
  • Can be glued and prin­ted with your label + advertisement
  • Enable space-saving stacking
  • Pro­tect the product


  • You would like to pack the finis­hed pro­duct yours­elf? We also deli­ver all dosa­ge forms in bulk.


  • For easy rem­oval and dosa­ge of tablets/capsules
  • Dif­fe­rent for­mats possible
  • Indi­vi­du­al design
  • Pro­tec­ti­ve func­tion and long shelf life


  • Various volu­mes
  • Reclosable
  • Various colours
  • Incl. dosing aid
  • Label­ling and char­ging possible

Customization as desired

Adapt the wording to your idea.

You like our pro­ducts, but you would like to chan­ge an ingre­di­ent, add a fla­vor or choo­se a dif­fe­rent type of pack­a­ging? No pro­blem! Tell us the requi­re­ments for your food sup­ple­ment and we’ll make it hap­pen for you.

If you are not yet sure what exact­ly you would like to chan­ge, just talk to us and we will be hap­py to advi­se you.

Con­sult Now

Let’s talk about your project!

Fill out our pro­ject ques­ti­on­n­aire and then arran­ge your per­so­nal appoint­ment. This is non-bin­ding and free of charge!

We look for­ward to working with you to rea­li­ze your ide­as for your own die­ta­ry supplement!

Fill out ques­ti­on­n­aire & make an appointment

From the idea, to the product